KPA announces sales incentive program

Posted April 6, 2018

To encourage newspaper advertising sales staffs to sell display and classified ads through the Kansas Display Ad and Kansas Classified Ad networks, the Kansas Press Association is instituting some new incentives.

Now, if a newspaper staff member of a participating Kansas newspaper sells a network ad, the newspaper and KPA split the income equally.

"We're throwing in an added incentive for those selling advertising for our KPA members," said Amber Jackson, KPA advertising director. "Not  only will the newspaper get its usual 50 percent share of every sale, but we're sweetening the pot to include an additional payment to the person who sells the ad."

That payment will come from KPA's share of the sale.

If a 2x4 KDAN is sold, the newspaper gets $900, KPA gets $900 and, now, the salesperson will get an additional $100 payment as a thank you from KPA. Conversely, the sale of a 2x2 is sold, the newspaper retains $450, KPA gets $450 and then will send a check for $50 to the originating salesperson. For a $300 25 word KCAN ad, the newspaper keeps $150 and sends $150 to KPA. In turn, KPA will send the salesperson $25.

The salesperson must be employed by a KPA member in good standing that is a current member of the advertising networks.

"This promotion is for new advertising clients only," Jackson said.

Click here to read more details on the attached flyer.
