Public Notice

Review statutes and see how to upload public notices published in Kansas newspapers to the KPA-administered website:

Kansas Public Notice Requirement Statutes

Procedure for Uploading Newspaper PDFs to KPA's FTP site

When you are ready to beginning uploading PDFs of your pages to the Kansas Press Association's FTP site, see if you can add the new FTP site at NewzGroup as a "second recipient" when you upload your pages to your printer's FTP site.

If your printer's FTP site doesn't allow for a "second recipient," click here to download a short procedural description for what to do next.

Remember, we're asking you to upload your entire newspaper — not just the pages with public notices on them — so we can eventually do electronic tearsheeting, create a morgue and also create a repository for Awards of Excellence contest entries.

Please contact Emily Bradbury at [email protected] or 785-271-5304 if you have any questions or concerns about the process or need the codes to use.