Boyd, McDill "Huck"

McDill 'Huck' Boyd, brother of Frank Boyd, Jr., was born in Phillipsburg in 1907. After studying journalism at Kansas State College for two years, he returned to Phillipsburg to work on the Review with his parents, Mamie and Frank, Sr.
Huck bought an interest in the paper in 1933 and took over its operation in 1941. He was named Kansas Editor of the Year by the William Allen White Foundation in 1971.
Boyd served as Republican National Committeeman for Kansas, chairman of the Kansas Board of Regents and president of the Kansas Press Association.
In 1970, President Nixon appointed Boyd a lay member delegate to the United Nations Economic and Social Council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
Henry Jameson once said that Boyd "has that rare knack for pulling people together and getting things done, with a minimum of fuss and fanfare. He never hogs the spotlight. He appears to be in the background - but all the time he's out front calling the signals."