Birth and Inauguration of the Hall of Fame
Probably they had the idea before it was suggested in last month's Jayhawker but it is rather of a coincidence that Sigma Delta Chi, journalism fraternity at KU, sent out their letters to a bunch of Kansas newspaper men launching this project at about the same time the notice was published in this bulletin. It would seem to be further proof "that great minds" etc., you know the rest of it. Regarding the project, the fraternity says:
The plan advocated is for the editors of the state to submit their nominations, after which a general vote by ballot will be taken. No living editors are to be considered as candidates for this honor.
The final choice of the men is to be made by the Quarter Century Club which is composed of Kansas editors who have completed 25 years of newspaper work in the state. The number of editors to be placed in the hall of fame is yet to be decided, but the likelihood is that two or three will be selected this year and the number added to at various intervals.
Halls of fame are now located at the universities of Illinois and Ohio; the former uses busts to honor its editors and the latter employs pictures. Whether to commemorate the members of the Kansas hall of fame through the media of busts or portraits is to be taken up with the officers of the Kansas newspaper association and the Sigma Delta Chi will arrange the place and date for the inauguration which will probably be held in the spring.
The gridiron dinner and roasting match between the journalism fraternity at the University of Kansas and the Topeka Press Club was pulled off according to the advance notices at Lawrence on April 17 and a good time was had by all. Roy Bailey of Salina presided, there was a good crowd, the dinner was excellent and both sides made the most of their opportunities and put on a first class show.
The principal event of the evening however, was the inauguration of the Kansas newspaper hall of fame, sponsored by the KU chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, and the announcement of the names of the six editors elected to this honor.
The editors named for the new hall of fame are:
Col. D.R. Anthony, Leavenworth; Maj. J.K. Hudson, Topeka; Sol Miller, Troy; Col. M.M. Murdock, Wichita; Noble L. Prentis, Topeka, and D.W. Wilder, Topeka.
The idea of a Kansas newspaper hall of fame was developed by the Kansas chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, with members of the Kansas Press and the KU department of journalism faculty co-operating.
First nominations for the hall of fame were made by Kansas editors in general, the choice to be made from among the roll of great Kansas editors who had passed on. Final selection of the six in the first group to be announced was made by members of the Kansas editors "Quarter Century Club."
The plan is that oil portraits of all editors selected will be hung in the KU journalism building, although the form of recognition to be given the editors has not been fully determined.
It is planned to elect at least one new name to the hall of fame each year. The next thing for the Kansas editors to do is to secure a suitable building as a home for the school of journalism at KU in order to have a proper place to hang these portraits as well as for other reasons.