Prentis, Noble L.

Noble L. Prentis came to Kansas in 1869 and became editor of the Topeka Record in November of that year. He later went on to become editor of the Topeka Commonwealth, the Atchison Champion, and the Newton Republican and chief writer of the Kansas City Star.
A busy and fluent writer, Prentis wrote several books, including “The History of Kan-sas” in 1899, which was adopted as a state text.
A staunch Republican known for his wit, Prentis once wrote that, “Mr. David Overmeyer of Topeka occupies four columns with his letter accepting a Democratic nomination for Congress. That is like putting four loads of fertilizer around a jimson weed.”
Once, Prentis was speaking at Highland and a donkey brayed. When the crowd laughed, he said: “I was not aware this was to be a joint debate, but if my Democratic friend will wait until I finish I will give him the floor.”
When Prentis died in 1900, the Star said of him: “When Noble Lovely Prentis was baptized it was at once a rite and a prophecy....His Christian name typifies the man whom his world honored and loved so well.”