Simons, W.C.

W.C. Simons began his newspaper career in Lawrence in 1891 when he, his brother, and his brother-in-law leased the Lawrence Daily Record. In 1892 they founded the Daily World, the ninth newspaper operating in the city at that time. The Daily World became the Journal-World in 1911, when fire des-toyed the Journal plant and the two papers were consolidated.
From that time until his death in 1952, Simons was publisher of the Journal-World. He served as president of the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, was a charter member and first president of the Lawrence Rotary Club, served as president of the Kansas State Historical Society and was vice-president of the Kansas State Chamber of Commerce for several years.
He headed the Lawrence Memorial Hospital Board, was active in the Kansas State Association for the Blind, and was an honorary member of Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalism fraternity.