NAA launches 'Smart is the new sexy' campaign

Posted November 8, 2011

The Newspaper Association of America is making its “Smart is the new sexy” advertising campaign available to all Kansas Press Association members whether they are members of NAA or not.
The campaign to promote the value of newspaper media, launched Oct. 24, has received prominent coverage in The New York Times and on, NPR and Twitter.  It was developed by The Martin Agency in Richmond, Va. to celebrate the distinctive editorial, advertising and community attributes delivered by newspapers.
Donna Barrett, CEO of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. and an NAA board member, co-chaired the NAA committee that developed the campaign.
“With their new digital formats and high pass-along readership, newspapers deliver tremendous reach,” said Barrett.  “We wanted to reach a growing audience with our message and using newspaper media was the logical choice.”
Print and digital versions of the ads can be downloaded here.  Please take special note about the schedule for running the ads.
“When you visit the campaign website – – you will see a suggested schedule,” said Cheryl Sadowski, NAA vice president/communications.  “While naturally we would love for folks to comply with the suggested schedule, this is a pro-bono effort and newspapers can run any of the ads as their interest and space allow.”
The three ads use a blend of illustrations and anecdotes to reinforce the value of newspaper media among existing and prospective consumers. The ads also contain QR codes and digital prompts that link audiences to the campaign Web page where they are encouraged to share their own connection with newspapers through social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook.

KPA encourages newspapers to make the most of the campaign. By running the ads and leveraging the social media options within your own markets, you will contribute to a positive dialogue about newspapers that influences both public perception and advertiser awareness of our medium.

Questions regarding the campaign may be directed to Cheryl Sadowski, NAA Vice President of Communications, at [email protected] or (571) 366-1135.