We need 30 judges by Jan. 6
We agreed more than five years ago to judge the New Jersey's newspaper contest for 2014. Little did we know at the time that the contest would come right on the heels of our recent judging of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.
But that's how the contest deadlines fall sometimes.
Emily Bradbury is desperately searching for judges to began judging in just a little over a week. We need at least 30 more judges by the start date on Monday, Jan. 6.
"We know you'll come through because you always have," Bradbury said, but she urged prospective judges to e-mail her now so she can recruit the numbers necessary to do a good job and not place too much of a burden any one judge.
We need editorial, advertising and photography judges. Please let her know your preference and if you would like to judge as a team (with other members of your staff).
"And there's a bonus: We won't have to judge again for 18 months!" Bradbury added.
Please e-mail her today at [email protected].