Help us help you with digital tools
Despite a plea in the Kansas Publisher and last week's Kansas Press This Week, not a single newspaper in Kansas has filled out a brief survey from the Kansas Press Association designed to identify how newspapers are using new digital tools in their operations.
"I know everyone is busy, but it's critical that this survey be completed so we can get a handle on this information and formulate training programs to help our newspapers," said Doug Anstaett, executive director of the Kansas Press Association. "It really will just take a few minutes of your time.
The survey was sanctioned by the Kansas Newspaper Foundation Board of Trustees.
The research will begin with this online questionnaire for members. Those who respond to that survey will be contacted by KPA staff only if follow up is needed.
As an incentive, Emily Bradbury, director of member services at KPA, said all newspapers who successfully complete the KNF Newspaper Survey before 11:59 p.m. on July 17 will be eligible to win an all-inclusive 2016 KPA Convention Package. The package will include one full convention registration (President's Dinner included), one night's stay at the convention hotel (DoubleTree Hotel in Overland Park) and $50 in spending money.