KPA Day at Statehouse: We need YOU!
An entire day has been set aside in early February for Kansas Press Association members to come to Topeka, visit with legislators and learn about the KPA's legislative agenda for 2016.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016 has been reserved for KPA Day at the Statehouse.
"We are making an extra big push this year because legislators have become more antagonistic toward the newspaper industry's agenda," said Doug Anstaett, KPA executive director. "While many legislators talk a good line about transparency, their deeds don't always match their words."
KPA previously hosted a similar event in conjunction with the Associated Press, but decided to drop the annual gathering because of poor attendance from the newspaper ranks.
“We need for our editors and publishers to make their presence known in Topeka,” said Rich Gannon, director of governmental affairs for KPA. “And it needs to be in a strong and convincing way.”
Members are encouraged to set aside the entire day so they can meet with their local legislators on their “turf.”
“Setting aside that day will convince legislators that we are watching them and expect them to support transparency in government,” Gannon said.
The day will include a discussion of the KPA's agenda, lunch with legislators and other opportunities for interaction with those who formulate the laws that affect the industry.
More details will be provide soon, but the tenatitve agenda calls for the meetings to begin at 9 a.m. at the Statehouse and end some times around mid-afternoon.
Click here to register for the event online.