KPA changes advertising sales approach

Posted August 24, 2018

In an attempt to reverse the trend of declining advertising placements in its member newspapers, the Kansas Press Association Board of Directors voted at its July meeting to change the commission structure of ads placed through KPA.


For more than 20 years, the KPA has marked up local rates 25 percent to allow for the association’s commission. Unfortunately, many sales were lost to this mark-up as clients realized that going directly to newspapers would result in a better rate. In addition, some newspapers would offer better rates to the client or advertising agencies than the KPA.


In order to keep member services high, dues low and the KPA solvent, the board decided a commission change was necessary.


The KPA will now quote the newspaper’s local rate and the KPA will retain a 10 percent commission from that net rate.


“I’ve learned KPA has been somewhat unique among the state press associations,” said Emily Bradbury, KPA executive director. “Most quote local rates and then take their commissions from that rate, some as high as 38 percent.


“We think this compromise at 10 percent will help KPA become more competitive as a placement agency and give us the funding we need to continue to provide high-quality programs and services to our members. We appreciate your understanding and outstanding commitment to your member organization.”


Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.


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