2019 News Archive

  • Public notice bill hearing cancelled

    March 1, 2019

    The bill designed to allow cities, counties, school districts and other agencies to opt for Internet rather than newspaper publication of notices did not receive a hearing and is likely off the table...

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  • Mounts takes over as KPA president

    March 1, 2019

    Travis Mounts of Times-Sentinel Newspapers has taken over as Kansas Press Association president following the resignation of Scott Stanford, who has been named president and CEO of Fort Wayne...

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  • Three named to Newspaper Hall of Fame

    March 1, 2019

    TOPEKA — Three long-time journalists were honored as the 2019 inductees into the Kansas Newspaper Hall of Fame Friday night here at the annual convention of the Kansas Press Association. They...

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  • We need judges for Mississippi news contest

    February 15, 2019

    We need volunteers to sign up to judge the Mississippi Better Newspaper Editorial Contest. Reciprocal judging helps all press associations conduct their newspaper excellence contests. If you sign...

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  • Public notice bill introduced in Kansas Legislature

    February 15, 2019

    A bill that would give governmental units the option to designate their own websites as their official publication popped up again Monday in the Kansas House of Representatives. “We were hoping we...

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